Image for post: WordPress might not be the best choice for your business' website

WordPress might not be the best choice for your business' website

A lot of people will tell you WordPress is the best choice to build your business website. But in this post, we’ll give you 5 reasons why it might not be (and why you should consider Inology’s The Internet Platform instead).

Image for post: Do It Yourself Search Engine Optimisation

Do It Yourself Search Engine Optimisation

Having trouble getting your website ranking high up on the ladder? Here are a few simple steps that you yourself can do to help your websites SEO.

Image for post: Why Every Business Needs a Mobile Website

Why Every Business Needs a Mobile Website

Today people are using more and more mobile devices to stay connected whilst on the move. Although tablets and net-books have also contributed to the portability of the net, nothing has made more of a contribution than that of the smart phone. The smart phone has literally revolutionised mobile internet access for billions of uses that access email, social networks and more importantly to find your products and services.

Image for post: Include your phone number in your webpage desciption

Include your phone number in your webpage desciption

Add your phone number to the description of your website page to increase your enquiries.

Image for post: Add a YouTube Video to your Web Pages

Add a YouTube Video to your Web Pages

Adding a YouTube video to your web page can be beneficial by saving you the cost of hosting that video and by drawing additional traffic to your website that self-hosted video could not do.

Image for post: Guide to Website Content

Guide to Website Content

Website content is all the written text you see on each page of a website. This information serves two main purposes.

The first is to educate the user about the website they are viewing, as well as to inform then of the products and services available to them.

The second purpose is to provide text and paragraphs with substantial keywords that relate to your business product or services so that search engine crawlers can look for the user keywords when crawling your website.

Image for post: Guide to Copywriting

Guide to Copywriting

Copywriting is all the text you see written on websites, marketing brochures, letters and any other product. The use of copy varies from general information about products and services to attention grabbing advertising sales campaigns.

Basically, a copywriter is someone who is trained to write passages of text in a specific way that is designed to effectively communicate, captivate, educate, sell to or advise the reader about the product or service they are using.

Image for post: Beginner's Guide to Marketing Relevance Online

Beginner's Guide to Marketing Relevance Online

A beginner's guide to relevance - How relevant is your marketing? Are you targeting the right people at the right time? How do you know? Jonathan Crossfield provides some tips and ideas on marketing relevance.

Image for post: How to build a Website that brings you business

How to build a Website that brings you business

Does your website attract new business for you? If you are like most businesses, you are probably missing the opportunities that a market focussed website would bring.

In this article there you'll find 4 keys that are essential for an effective website.

Image for post: How to rank high on search engines

How to rank high on search engines

Did you ever put up a web site, ignored SEO advice yet hoped - in vain - for a lot of visits and a high Google ranking ? Or have you ever placed an ad in some ineffective directories - yet no-one noticed your ad?

There could be many reasons why your web site wasn't attracting enough traffic. But the most likely reason is that it hasn't been Search Engine Optimized (or not well enough).

Image for post: Creating an effective landing page

Creating an effective landing page

The goal of a landing page is to convert potential patrons into customers quickly. Your landing page is simply a summary of all the pages associated with the product or service that you're offering. The page should be clear and concise, but also highly informative in nature.

Image for post: Getting listed in Google, Yahoo and Live(MSN)

Getting listed in Google, Yahoo and Live(MSN)

Getting listed in Google and the other popular search engines is one of the most effective ways of directing free, targeted traffic to your web site.

In this article you'll discover what the search engines look for when determining your page rank so you can optimize your pages for best results.

Image for post: Ways to have a solid website promotion campaign

Ways to have a solid website promotion campaign

Using a website promotion campaign for your website or your business can mean the difference between a successful business and one that looks great but no one visits. When you use the Internet as your main business medium you have to be able to get people to go to your website in the first place. There is no point having a great website that doesn’t get any traffic to it.

Image for post: Keyword Basics

Keyword Basics

So you've done all your keyword research and you've found the best keywords for your website. How do you use these keywords to improve your website copywriting so that you rank well on the search engines and attract the type of customers that you are after?