The Internet Platform Email Marketing System Provides Everything You Need To Capture More Leads And Increase Repeat Purchases With A Few Simple Clicks

Email marketing is a core component of any successful online marketing strategy.

The ability to capture website visitors email addresses and personal details, then consistently follow up with these prospects will significantly increase your website conversion rates.

Because The Internet Platform (TIP) comes with a built in email marketing system you don't have to worry about buying and integrating third party applications with your CMS.

With just a few simple clicks you will have a fully functional email marketing system ready to start communicating with your database.

The Internet Platform’s Email Marketing System makes managing and growing your campaign and subscriber list so quick and easy because it is all controlled in the backend of your website. No logging into third party websites required.

What Else is Possible With TIP’s Email Marketing System?

Instantly Start Capturing Website Visitors Email Information

It costs time and money to get visitors to your website. Even if these people aren’t ready to buy right now you want to capture their details. Our fully integrated opt-in forms make it easy to do this so you can capture visitor details by offering newsletter updates, free reports or demo’s and free trials to grow your prospect database.

Profitable Lead Nurturing

Following up with leads is a highly profitable task that sometimes gets forgotten in the day to day of running a business. Our system allows you to set up pre-scheduled emails or autoresponders that will be sent to communicate with subscribers at set times. Triggers can be a follow up after an opt-in, a birthday card email or even a follow up two months after a purchase.

Custom Templates

Easily create customised email and newsletter template designs to consistently build your brand across all your marketing campaigns.

No Limit Email Marketing

As your business grows you don't want to keep spending more and more on email marketing. Our system allows you to enjoy

  • Unlimited subscribers
  • Unlimited emails
  • Unlimited lists
  • Unlimited newsletters/campaigns

Monitor Your Results

You can only improve what you can measure. TIP’s Email Marketing System provides full tracking and reporting to show you…

  • How many unique people opened you’re email and how many times each specific person opened it
  • How many people clicked on the links in your email and who clicked on what links
  • How many emails bounced because of incorrect addresses (these are automatically removed to keep you lists clean and up to date)
  • How many people unsubscribed

Personalised Emails

Personalised marketing is the way of the future. Our intelligent system allows you to easily personalise emails by name, business or any other details you’ve captured.

Categorise and Filter Your Database For Precise Targeting

You can create multiple segments in your database to ensure you are sending highly targeted marketing emails. You can also filter your entire database to help you find subscribers to add to relevant segments quickly and easily. Filters can be set by age, industry, gender, region and many more great targeting features.

Import Your Current Databases

Our simple import feature allows you to quickly import all your previous contacts. Our system also ensures no duplicate subscribers are created to avoid flooding your contacts with multiple emails

Automated Subscription Management

Your customers/prospects are able to easily subscribe and unsubscribe them selves from your list automatically without any work on your end. We will also survey any unsubscribed users to find out why people are leaving your list.

Discover more features of the Email Marketing System

Some of our recent projects

We produce websites that not only look beautiful but also function brilliantly too.

Southport Chamber of Commerce

The Southport Chamber of Commerce exists for the local community. By ensuring a strong business environment they see that the community as a whole will prosper and develop.

Platinum Green

Platinum Green is on a mission to show the world that non-toxic, chemical free products can be used for most purposes instead of traditional toxic chemicals.

Southern Gold Coast Chamber of Commerce

The Southern Gold Coast Chamber of Commerce is one of the most active Chambers on the Gold Coast - as a member ourselves it was an honour to design and build them a leading edge website integrated with a booking system for their members and guests to book into the meetings online.

Inology went above and beyond!

Thank you for all your help John. Our new CJR Group Concrete Construction site looks great and I even half know what I'm doing due to your excellent tutorials! You went above & beyond!

As posted on Google

Melinda Rechichi

CJR Group Concrete Construction

Inology really took the time to understand our requirements

John and the team at Inology really took the time to understand our requirements. They immersed themselves in our charity culture and have reflected our ethos through our website design. Inology generously delivered our project on a pro bono basis.

As posted on Google

Mark Forbes

Mark Forbes


Has always delivered 150%!

Inology team are so great. I have worked with them on multiple CMS websites and referred clients to them also. Inology has always delivered 150% and I would not hesitate in referring anyone to them. I look forward to many more projects in the future with the Inology team.

Kelly Robinson

Kelly RobinsonCreative Director

Gold Coast Graphic Design