Image for post: How to build a Website that brings you business

How to build a Website that brings you business

Does your website attract new business for you? If you are like most businesses, you are probably missing the opportunities that a market focussed website would bring.

In this article there you'll find 4 keys that are essential for an effective website.

Image for post: How to rank high on search engines

How to rank high on search engines

Did you ever put up a web site, ignored SEO advice yet hoped - in vain - for a lot of visits and a high Google ranking ? Or have you ever placed an ad in some ineffective directories - yet no-one noticed your ad?

There could be many reasons why your web site wasn't attracting enough traffic. But the most likely reason is that it hasn't been Search Engine Optimized (or not well enough).

Image for post: Getting listed in Google, Yahoo and Live(MSN)

Getting listed in Google, Yahoo and Live(MSN)

Getting listed in Google and the other popular search engines is one of the most effective ways of directing free, targeted traffic to your web site.

In this article you'll discover what the search engines look for when determining your page rank so you can optimize your pages for best results.

Image for post: Keyword Basics

Keyword Basics

So you've done all your keyword research and you've found the best keywords for your website. How do you use these keywords to improve your website copywriting so that you rank well on the search engines and attract the type of customers that you are after?

Image for post: Eight tips to drive traffic to your website

Eight tips to drive traffic to your website

Online marketing is much like offline marketing. Your campaigns need to be strategic to attract the right type of customer to your site.

While you need creative marketing to stand out from the crowd, the following are online marketing basics that need to be adhered to when creating your website: