How to Create an Eye Catching Gallery on Your Website
Have you ever looked at a gallery on a website and used that as your deciding factor on whether to purchase with that company? Galleries either give us a good or bad impression within the first few seconds of viewing. It’s important to make sure that your gallery is eye-catching and consistent with the rest of your website and your business.
Consistency is the key to a great gallery, and creating a guideline for your images and layout will help implement that. There are 3 areas you need to consider when planning your gallery:
- Quality – What standard are you going for? High quality and high resolution photos give your gallery a crisp, clean and clear look.
- Size – The size of your images need to be fit for web. For landscape we recommend no more than 800 pixels wide, and for portraits we recommend no more than 600 pixels wide. It’s important to follow these guides so that not only will your image fit within the standard screen size when zoomed in, but will also decrease the load time of the gallery page. Key tip: never stretch images when resizing, because they will become pixelated and unclear.
- Layout – The layout of your gallery should be easy for your eyes to follow. We recommend a 4x or 6x grid. Place your best photos at the top of the gallery so your viewer gets an idea of your best work as quickly as possible.
With these questions and helpful hints I hope this allows you to create a clear and easy guideline for building an eye-catching gallery. Check out a couple of our recent projects that utilise gallery Total Plasterboard Linings & Lakelands Golf Club Weddings & Functions. If you have any questions at all about this topic, please leave us a comment below and the Inology team will be happy to help answer your query.