6 Tips For Writing A Traffic Generating Blog
Producing high quality, value rich Blogs on a regular basis will dramatically increase your website traffic and conversions, customer relationships and build your authority within your industry. But to enjoy these types of results you need to follow a few simple guidelines, and here they are…
1. Research What Your Market Wants.
For every market and every business there will be certain topics and tips that people are actively seeking more information on.
Maybe it’s the latest industry news, it could be a specific solution to a common problem, or it could be an update on the benefits of a new product or service.
Whatever it is, it’s your job to find out what your target market wants to know more about, what they are actively seeking or what will spark their interest by tapping into an unconscious desire.
Places you can find this information are…
- Related Forums
- Related Social Media Groups
- Surveys or common customer questions, or
- Analysing common search queries using the Google Keyword Planner
For more information on this topic check my recent Blog “Where to Find Content Ideas for Your Articles and Blogs”.
2. Compelling Headlines
Now that you know what your target market is really interested in you need your headline to connect with that and provide a solution to their problem or a way to achieve their goals.
Take the headline for this Blog as an example.
I know that my clients want more traffic, and I know that many of you are interested in Blogging which is a great way to generate traffic, build authority, increase SEO rankings and create more customer loyalty, so that’s exactly what I have given you.
The success of your Blog depends on a compelling headline, get this right and your already miles ahead of your competition.
3. Make It Valuable
If every one of your Blogs is a pure sales pitch or is boring as bat s#@t your readers will not return and they will not promote it through their social channels.
Give valuable, actionable tips that will provide instant results if implemented and you will quickly generate a loyal following.
4. Call To Action
While the main purpose of your Blog is to build traffic and authority within our niche, you still want to guide people to take action that results in sales.
So somewhere in every Blog you must have a “Call To Action” that leads people to a page on your website or asks them to contact you.
5. Share With Everyone You Know
What’s the point of writing a great Blog article if nobody knows about it?
Every time you write a Blog be sure to notify your email list with a high quality teaser email that links back to the article and post it to all your social media channels with compelling copy explaining the benefits of clicking through to it out.
You can even contact others in your network to ask them to promote it to their list if they think it provides good value to their database.
Don’t be shy, get it out there!!!
6. Be Consistent, Be Patient
Blogging and content marketing is not a one shot effort. It takes time to build a following and to expand your reach. By being valuable and consistent your readers will start to look out for your content each week.
Track you results via Google Analytics and you will start to see more and more free, high quality traffic landing on your site and looking around after they are finished with the Blog.
Ok now you know what makes a traffic generating, profit-producing Blog it’s time to get started. Don’t wait for the right time because the right time is now.
Now if researching, writing and sharing high quality content seems like a lot of time and effort, I can put you in touch with a local copywriting expert who works with many clients delivering valuable, professional content marketing packages so you can put your entire content marketing system on autopilot. Contact us to be put you in touch.